Date updated: Wednesday 15th January 2025

Family Mediation Week takes place this year from 27-31 January 2025.  The aim of the week is to let more people know about the benefits of mediation and how it can assist separating families.

During the week there will be a number of free webinars that are not just for mediators but also for members of the public and those working with separated families such as lawyers and the Children and Family Court Advisory Service (Cafcass).  A full list of available webinars can be found here ( Family Mediation Week 2025 - Timetable - Family Mediation Council)

The three questions we most often get asked are what is mediation, what is a MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) and why should I attend one.  During Family Mediation Week a free webinar is being made available for members of the public to join dealing with the topic of the MIAM. You can sign up here via this link (The benefits of attending a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) - Family Mediation Council)

Further information on MIAMS and the mediation process can also be found here (