Tuesday 20th March 2018

Alison Allen, Partner and Head of the Private Client Sector at national law firm Stone King, has been appointed to a consultation board for Thomson Reuters’ legal solutions service. Practical Law is an online service providing peer-reviewed resources for people working across the legal profession. Alison has been elected to the Private Client consultation board, alongside fellow experts from several other law firms and barristers chambers, to share her knowledge and expertise in order to inform and support this legal resource.

Alison Allen says: “I am delighted to be elected to this Private Client board to work together with other experts in the field and ensure the resources available on the Practical Law portal are as pertinent, comprehensive and up-to-date as possible, for the benefit of those who practise, support, create or enforce Private Client law.”

More information is available at uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com 


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Lucie Willis
01225 478180