Human Resources Consultants
Keeping on top of employment legislation and managing the ever-changing procedures and documentation required is both challenging and time consuming for many charities and social enterprises. The Stone King team offers flexible and comprehensive HR support to clients in these processes. We can offer a range of solutions and have no long contracts to tie you in:
If you have very few HR issues, this service allows you to pick up the phone or email an HR Consultant as and when you need it. You will pay for the work that is done at an hourly rate of £130 (London)/£110 (outside London) plus VAT. There is no monthly retainer fee, you only pay for what you use.
You choose a set amount of telephone or email advice you would like each month, for example 5 hours, and we will quote you at a preferential rate. This will be less than our standard hourly rate. With this service you will get written or telephone advice.
This is a full telephone and email advice service, including the production of documents and letters to suit the issue that you are dealing with. We can also include in this service a package of visits. This service is costed in relation to the number of employees that you have. Please ask us for a quote.
From time to time you may need an HR Consultant to attend your premises. This might be in times of peak need to assist your own HR Team, for example, to undertake an investigation or to support at a disciplinary or appeal hearing. We can attend on a daily rate basis of £695 (London)/£610 (outside London) plus VAT.
Should you need help with a specific project, such as a disciplinary investigation, a business transfer, rewriting a staff handbook or attending your premises to provide training, we can quote you a fixed fee for a specific piece of work.
Our experienced professionals provide a wide range of advice to help clients achieve their organisational objectives. This expertise, combined with the support of the solicitors and partners in the legal team, provide you with a one-stop-shop service to help you manage your HR responsibilities efficiently. We work sensitively and within the ethos of your organisation to provide bespoke solutions that meet your requirements. Our services are delivered by telephone/email advice or on-site visits.
Areas where we can assist:
- Advice on effective recruitment and selection
- Guidance and advice on all aspects of recruitment ensuring legal compliance with the Equality Act 2010
- Review and advice on contracts of employment
- Advice on references and DBS/right to work checks
- Review of current handbook, is it ‘fit for purpose’?
- Review of, or provision of, HR policies
- Analysis of current employees’ patterns
- Review of reasons for high absenteeism
- Return to work interviews
- Assistance with management of short/frequent and long-term sickness absence
- Assistance with referrals to Occupational Health
- Advice on the link between appraisal, capability, and dealing with poor performance
- Review current processes, including pay progression and appeals
- Key benefits of having a robust system in place
- Assistance with capability meetings
- Review of current work performance against expected performance
- Help with drafting performance improvement plans
- Provide advice on grievances raised
- Attend grievance hearings and appeal hearings
- Facilitate mediation meetings
- Support managers and employees
- Support with implementing change following the outcome of a grievance e.g. change in processes, training etc.
- Provision of HR support through the process
- Advice on how to carry out the investigation and with report writing
- Advice on how to hold a disciplinary hearing and an appeal hearing
- Attendance at hearings
- Assistance with the drafting of correspondence
- Conduct of an independent disciplinary investigation including attendance at the investigation meeting and production of the report
- Project management of the timescales and meeting dates
- Assistance with the drafting of correspondence
- Assistance in the processes, which may include attendance at and support of management in difficult meetings both with employees and trade unions
- Provision of documentation for each step in the process
- Implementation of the correct timelines, in line with legislation
- Support with consultation meetings with employee representatives/trade unions
- Attendance at meetings with staff to provide them with information on TUPE
- Review the current process, is it ‘fit for purpose’?
- Conduct of the exit interview itself
- Analysis of the information and suggestion of improvements to reduce staff turnover
- Provision of bespoke training, examples of which include:
- Handling disciplinary investigations and hearings
- Managing effective staff appraisals
- Capability and managing ill health absence