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August 04, 2020

Safeguarding considerations for Schools: Providing staff with additional training and DSL's timetable

Safeguarding considerations for Schools: Providing staff with additional training and DSL's timetable

Date updated:

Do we need to provide further staff training?

This will likely be prudent in light of the changes to KCSIE and additional and adapted safeguarding issues (see below), to ensure staff are appropriately equipped to recognise and respond appropriately to safeguarding concerns. With many staff and pupils not having been in school for a significant period of time, staff will also likely benefit from a refresh of key principles in addition to guidance regarding evolving issues.

Do we need to change the DSL’s timetable?

Possibly – the DfE guidance states that DSLs and deputies should be provided with more time, especially in the first few weeks of term, to focus on safeguarding issues.

DSLs will be responding to any new safeguarding and welfare concerns (which could include time supporting staff and children, and handling referrals to children’s social care and other agencies as required).

The additional time for the DSL reflects the fact that, having not seen the majority of children for a significant time, it may well be that safeguarding issues regarding individual children become evident for the first time.

The DfE guidance also notes the importance of communication with school nurses for safeguarding and supporting wellbeing, as they may have continued virtual support to pupils who have not been in school. It may be that other members of staff at your school led in this area as well or instead, so effective communication will ensure that children know they are still being supported and that the key pastoral staff have a full picture.
