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February 24, 2017

Livery Companies

Livery Companies

Our work for Livery Companies reflects the full range of their involvement in the City and wider community. We advise on Company constitutional and governance issues, including amendments to Charters and subordinate constitutional documents, bringing to this an understanding of the history and ethos of Companies as well as the dynamics of the roles of members and officers. We understand the central role that charities play in the life of Livery Companies and provide tailored, specialist support. We have expertise in the areas of charitable activity most often associated with Livery Companies, from modern grant-making to operation of almshouses and independent schools and academies. We work extensively with schools across the maintained and independent sectors and so have a deep understanding of the issues faced by Companies and their educational foundations in the current changing educational environment.

Our work includes:

  • advising on Company governance
  • changes to Charters and other constitutional documents
  • advising on relationships between Companies and their charitable foundations
  • restructuring of charitable activity
  • reviewing relationships with charitable foundations and school governing bodies
  • advising on grant-making activity including social investment aspects
  • operational matters arising in relation to almshouses
  • advising on trading subsidiary operation