Immigration law webinar for independent schools

One of the guiding principles of the sponsorship regime is that sponsoring students is a privilege and not a right. To maintain the privilege of holding a sponsor licence (and to benefit from the migration it enables) the Home Office require student/child student sponsors to fulfil certain sponsorship duties.

Failure to comply with these duties can have a detrimental impact on an organisation and its sponsor licence. For example, the consequences of not obtaining the required ISI rating or breaching record-keeping or reporting duties could lead to a school’s Confirmation of Acceptation for Studies (CAS) allocation being set to zero.

It is therefore essential that student sponsor licence holders are aware of their ongoing duties as a sponsor and know how to manage any associated risks.

In this webinar, Julianna Barker will be discussing the compliance requirements for independent schools that are student/child student sponsors, including the educational oversight requirement, right to study checks, the risks associated with failing to comply and what can be done to manage those risks. 

Attendees of this webinar will also receive a 10% discount code for Stone King’s comprehensive independent school training package found here.

Please register here.

Tuesday 16 July 2024 

Start: 10:00 am 
Finish: 11:00 am 

Julianna Barker, Associate Solicitor, Immigration Team, Stone King