Independent schools have the ability to sponsor overseas students under the child student route (for children aged 4 – 17) as either boarders or day students. When sponsoring day students there are, however, additional sponsorship and safeguarding duties that independent schools must be aware of to comply with their duties as a sponsor.
In this webinar, Julianna Barker will be discussing the specific compliance requirements when it comes to sponsoring day students, with a particular focus on the living arrangements permitted under the child student route. We will be looking at the common pitfalls and how these can be avoided.
Attendees of this webinar will also receive a 10% discount code for Stone King’s comprehensive independent school training package found here.
Wednesday 12 June 2024
Start: 11.00 am
Finish: 12.00 pm
Julianna Barker, Associate Solicitor, Immigration Team, Stone King