Welcome to our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Statement covering all of our offices - Bath, Birmingham, Cambridge, Leeds, London and Manchester.
We are proud to publicly display our commitment to being a socially responsible business, both internally and externally. We believe that it is crucial for us to make a positive impact on the communities in which we work and on our stakeholders.
For us success is not simply about maximising profitability as a firm. It is much broader than that, and it certainly includes being a responsible business. By this we mean that we must take care of those people and environments that we care about – our employees, our clients, the communities in which we work, and those charitable causes that are close to our hearts.
Our statement sets out some examples of how we, as a firm, act responsibly on both a corporate and an individual level. It also sets out our CSR policy in relation to the 4 key responsibility areas that we have identified:
- Our people and our workplace
- Our clients and our suppliers
- Our local communities
- Our local and global environment
We have formed a CSR Team whose remit it is to develop and implement our CSR policy and monitor its effectiveness and impact. This Team includes staff of different levels and from various offices.
We have established the Stone King Foundation which is funded by the firm to help pursue the charitable activities with which the CSR Team identify.
Everyone in Stone King has the responsibility to implement but the CSR Team take a lead and speak if the policy is underplayed.
We try to nurture and encourage incoming and existing talent, expand our skills & experience, deliver excellent & friendly service, while ensuring that we are environmental responsible. We take the view that people are more likely to engage in CSR activities if they sense that the activities will be interesting, worthwhile and fun.
We try to work in a friendly environment, both in the context of our work and in our own communities. We do not want to control our people’s engagement as we understand not everyone wants to make their activities public but we think it important for it to be known internally & externally that Stone King does take CSR seriously and we are proud of everyone involved. We want everyone to know we are proud of their achievements and the whole firm supports them. We encourage everyone involved in any activities to share photos and successes to encourage support from the firm.