Interim Manager
Between 17 October 2016 and 5 February 2018 Michael King of Stone King LLP was appointed Interim Manager of Muslim Aid. This information note provides information about the Interim Manager role and the implications this will have for the charity.
- 1. What does this mean for Muslim Aid's charitable work?
The role of the Interim Manager will not affect Muslim Aid’s vital relief and development work around the world which will continue uninterrupted.
- 2. What is an Interim Manager?
An Interim Manager is usually an independent professional person appointed by the Charity Commission to take charge of a charity which is identified by the Commission as having governance, management or financial problems. The role of the Interim Manager is to guide the charity through these problems and help it to resolve them so it can carry on its charitable work. The role is a temporary one; the Charity Commission do not specify a time limit but ask the Interim Manager to work efficiently in order to put right what has been identified as wrong without being wasteful of time or of the charity’s money.
- 3. What will the Interim Manager do at Muslim Aid?
The Interim Manager will focus on improving Muslim Aid’s internal administration. In particular, the Charity Commission requires work to be done to tighten up governance procedures, including its financial management, to ensure that the charity operates effectively. The Charity Commission’s press release. Muslim Aid have also published their own press statement.
- 4. Who are Stone King?
Stone King LLP is a UK law firm, established in 1785 and with offices in London, Bath, Cambridge and Leeds, which specialises in charity law and practice. Partners and Consultants of the firm, including Michael King, have been appointed to similar roles by the Charity Commission on many occasions and are well-known for their expertise in the field. Michael King will be leading a team of 5 lawyers who are experienced in charity law and practice, and who have extensive experience in advising charities on constitutional and governance issues, dealing with regulators, trustee concerns, fundraising and in advising faith organisations.
- 5. What will happen to the trustees during the period of Interim Management?
The Interim Manager will assume all powers, duties and responsibilities of the trustees while the role continues and the trustees will have no formal role during this period.
- 6. How long is the Interim Management period expected to last and what will happen afterwards?
The length of the time for which the charity is under Interim Management can vary, but in this case Michael King expects his role to last for 4 to 6 months. However, the Order appointing the Interim Manager is not time-limited and much will depend on the needs of the charity and the assistance Michael King receives from the staff, supporters and other stakeholders of Muslim Aid. Once the objective of the Interim Manager is completed, control of the charity will be handed back to the trustees.
- 7. Communications
The Interim Manager will be working with Muslim Aid's new CEO, Jehangir Malik, who will remain in charge of the charitable operations of Muslim Aid, nationally and internationally. For routine enquiries about the work of the charity, you should contact Muslim Aid. For the duration of the interim manager arrangements, strategic decision-making will be in the hands of Michael King. If you would like to get in touch with the Interim Manager, please complete the enquiry form.