The law and practice referred to in this article or webinar has been paraphrased or summarised. It might not be up-to-date with changes in the law and we do not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided at the time of reading. It should not be construed or relied upon as legal advice in relation to a specific set of circumstances.
For many years the UK’s well established regulatory regime has attracted major philanthropists and international not-for-profit organisations seeking a suitable hub to co-ordinate global activity. We have worked with a wide range of organisations, from large international not-for-profit structures co-ordinating activity from a UK base, to charities fundraising across jurisdictions, including dual registered structures, and family charitable foundations with an international remit.
Our work has included:
- Advising on the charity regulatory aspects of a major international charity’s restructuring, involving a refocusing of its worldwide operational work and the creation of funding, IP licensing and other agreements between its national member organisations;
- Advising on international NGO structures for a wide range of charities
- Advising on the structure for strategic and fundraising collaboration between a major philanthropist’s US and UK foundations;
- Advising on international campaigning structures, including suitable UK and EU jurisdictions for charitable and non-charitable vehicles with access to UK/EU funding streams;
- Establishing dual registered UK charities, for example for a UK/US based philanthropist and for an international cancer charity, a major US children’s charity and a US university;
- Preparing and advising on affiliation agreements between UK charities and their associated international organisations, fundraising bodies and field offices for established international NGOs;
- Advising a major international philanthropic group on UK charity issues and establishment of a UK charity within the group;
- Advising on the charity and tax framework for international grant-making, including preparation of bespoke grant agreements;
- Advising on international funding and payment structures, including money laundering compliance and application of US Treasury and HM Government proscribed organisation list and associated banking arrangements
What our clients say
"They take the time to really get to know the organisation; they offer proactive as well as reactive advice and support, they are incredibly knowledgeable and reliable, the quality of their work is exceptional and they always think things through from all angles."
What our clients say
"Many interviewees are quick to laud the insight the firm offers, with one praising the team's expertise and in-depth knowledge of the charity sector, as well as its solution-orientated and pragmatic approach."
What our clients say
"The team is lauded for its ‘well-presented advice’ and for the fact that there are ‘sufficient subject matter experts on hand to be able to tackle a wide range of questions’."
Legal 500