Free tool to help businesses, charities, social enterprises and schools ensure they are Brexit ready

With Brexit and the end of free movement fast approaching the Immigration team at Stone King has developed an easy-to-use, Brexit Self Audit Tool to help organisations assess whether they are Brexit ready and, if not, identify what actions they need to take.

Our free tool is now available and can be accessed by following the links below:

Brexit self audit for Religious Orders

Brexit self audit for Charities

Brexit self audit for Businesses

Brexit self audit for State Funded Schools

Brexit self audit for Indepedent Schools

Brexit will come into effect from 1 January 2020 and will affect every sector. We want to help organisations – both clients and non-clients alike – to be prepared in good time. This tool is designed to help organisations make strategic decisions in the lead up to and post Brexit.

The tool will:

  • assist organisations that have EU nationals within them, and remind them of the steps they need to take in relation to these individuals
  • help organisations that rely on the movement of people from outside the UK
  • support organisations that have a sponsorship license, by reminding them of their responsibilities and helping them to identify any strategic actions they need to take in relation to their license and the EU nationals they support

The law and practice referred to in this article or webinar has been paraphrased or summarised. It might not be up-to-date with changes in the law and we do not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided at the time of reading. It should not be construed or relied upon as legal advice in relation to a specific set of circumstances.