Date updated: Tuesday 6th February 2024

Operator licencing for public service vehicles (PSVs) is a regulatory process aimed at ensuring the safe and reliable provision of passenger transport services. The specific details and requirements can vary by country, but the following provides a general overview of how operator licensing typically works for public service vehicles based in the UK. General Gov.Uk guidance can be found here.

Operators of public service vehicles typically need to obtain an operator’s licence from the relevant transport authority or licensing body.

Licence Types: There are four types of licence: 

  • standard licence – for national and international operations.

  • standard licence – for national operations only.

  • restricted licence – for small operations only.

  • special restricted licence – for holders of taxi licences, PHV licences, or PHC licences only.

Companies or individuals wishing to operate Public Service Vehicles must submit an application through the Vehicle Operator Licensing Service. This is usually done on-line here. The application process may include providing details about the planned routes, schedules, and types of vehicles to be used. 

Similar to heavy goods vehicles, operators of public service vehicles must have a registered operating centre or premises where they base their vehicles, maintain records, and manage their transport operations. The operating centre should comply with certain standards.

Operators may be required to demonstrate financial standing to ensure they have sufficient resources to operate and maintain their vehicles. This can be proven through bank statements, audited accounts, or other financial documentation.  Senior Traffic Commissioner’s Statutory Document #2 Finance can be found here.

The appointment of a qualified and competent transport manager is often a requirement. The transport manager is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations, ensuring compliance with regulations, and managing the passenger transport services. It is a very important role in the business. Senior Traffic Commissioner’s Statutory Document #3 Transport Managers can be found here.

Strict standards for vehicle safety and maintenance are typically in place. Operators must ensure that vehicles are regularly inspected, well-maintained, and comply with safety regulations. The DVSA Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness can be found here.

Operators are responsible for ensuring that their drivers comply with regulations, including driver hours, safe driving, first use checks, and other relevant rules.

Some public service vehicles require the use of tachographs (devices that record driving time, speed, and distance). Vehicles equipped with tachographs must be used in compliance with regulations. Operators are responsible for monitoring and managing drivers hours compliance and the tachograph data that records it.

Comprehensive record-keeping is required. This includes maintaining records of vehicle maintenance, driver schedules, and other operational aspects. These records should be readily available for inspection.

Operators must have appropriate insurance coverage for their public service vehicles, including liability insurance to cover passengers in case of accidents.

Operators should pro-actively review and risk-assess their operations. Outside bodies such as the DVSA or transport authorities may do the same.

You must pay an operator licence renewal fee every five years. The renewal process may involve demonstrating continued compliance with regulations.

Operators who fail to comply with licencing conditions or regulations may face action against their operator’s licence including, in serious cases suspension or revocation. This may be accompanied by disqualification of directors. If operators fail to operate bus services punctually and reliably they can face financial penalties. 

It is important for operators of public service vehicles to stay informed about the specific requirements and regulations in their jurisdiction. Additionally, ongoing training for staff involved in passenger transport operations and keeping abreast of regulatory changes are essential for maintaining compliance with passenger carrying vehicle operator licencing requirements.