The law and practice referred to in this article or webinar has been paraphrased or summarised. It might not be up-to-date with changes in the law and we do not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided at the time of reading. It should not be construed or relied upon as legal advice in relation to a specific set of circumstances.
Guidance for good governance
We understand that charities and social enterprises need constitutional and governance structures that are both fit for purpose in a modern world and compliant with the ever changing regulatory landscape.
We work with our clients to achieve structures that are practical, efficient and, where appropriate, limit personal liability for charity trustees.
We understand the benefits and restrictions of permanent endowment and seek to help charities to maximise their use of such assets in a way that is consistent with their history whilst adapting to current needs.
Organisational Changes
We are experienced in updating structures to ensure they meet modern needs. We have worked with many organisations to rationalise their services through mergers, hive-offs and incorporation. When charities have fulfilled their objectives we are able to assist with an orderly closure.
Building relationships that work
Regulation is a dominant factor for charities, in particular their relationship with the Charity Commission. We regard a good working relationship with the Charity Commission as being essential to our charity clients’ best interests, and we strive to maintain this whilst making sure that our charity clients’ views are heard and understood.
We have a number of former Commission staff working with us, which helps us understand better the internal workings of the Commission. We are also members of the Commission’s Interim Managers Panel.
Members of the firm work closely with the Charity Law Association, both on the Executive Committee and working parties, to aid in the development of legislation and policy guidance that meets the specific needs of charities.
Our understanding enables us to make sure that our charity clients comply with the regulatory framework whilst, at the same time, enabling us to assist charities when things do not go quite to plan.
Working further afield
We appreciate that many of our charity clients need assistance in other jurisdictions, in particular Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland. We have well established contacts with professionals in these jurisdictions and a much wider international basis.
What our clients say
"Thank you very much for all your help in this. It has been, for us, a rather complex and confusing business and your advice has been invaluable in enabling us to understand the legal issues and to ensure we are ticking all the right boxes."
2019 Charity Client
What our clients say
"They take the time to really get to know the organisation; they offer proactive as well as reactive advice and support, they are incredibly knowledgeable and reliable, the quality of their work is exceptional and they always think things through from all angles."
What our clients say
"Many interviewees are quick to laud the insight the firm offers, with one praising the team's expertise and in-depth knowledge of the charity sector, as well as its solution-orientated and pragmatic approach."
What our clients say
"The team is lauded for its ‘well-presented advice’ and for the fact that there are ‘sufficient subject matter experts on hand to be able to tackle a wide range of questions’."
Legal 500
What our clients say
"You and team have been simply outstanding!
"We felt protected and well-guided throughout this. Your team was grounded, robust; wise and inspirational to work with"
Dr. Kaneez Shaid MBE, Chair of Trustees of Citizens U.K
What our clients say
"They were incredibly impressive - they have very practical experience in terms of having done it before, and a good understanding of best practice."
Client feedback in Chambers
What our clients say
“Stone King's overriding value is the care and the support of their clients. They are fully aware of our needs and ensure that they maintain excellent service.”
Client feedback in Chambers